{ "image": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/983/thumbnail", "description": "[Hi-Res Front](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/32) | [Hi-Res Back](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/33) | [Full Screen](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=983&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/983/thumbnail) \n\n\r No slouch when it comes to testosterone, His Royal “He-Nis” Prince Had’em comes from a distant land where men are manly and not afraid to show it. His long shaft-like neck allows him to view over bathroom stalls and castle walls. When he's excited or annoyed his neck elongates. Chivalrous to a fault, he's a modern paladin, although some say he’s a real dick. While eating with his hands, he calls women 'wench' or 'fair maiden,' insulting them all. He wields a great sword but frequently requests back-up from forest creatures.\n\nDid You Know: He-Nis has little to no appreciation for modern bathing. But, he secretly has all of his body hair waxed weekly. So, it all balances out... sort of.", "name": "He-Nis (#37/83)", "animation_url": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=983&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/983/thumbnail", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Todd Wahnish" }, { "trait_type": "Character", "value": "He-Nis" }, { "trait_type": "Collection", "value": "Adult Fantasy" }, { "trait_type": "Series", "value": "Season 1/Genesis" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Character Edition", "value": 37.0, "max_value": 83.0 }, { "trait_type": "Rarity", "value": "Super Rare 2" }, { "trait_type": "Power", "value": 45.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Defense", "value": 40.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Speed", "value": 40.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Intelligence", "value": 35.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Magic", "value": 40.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Card Total Grade", "value": "8.2" }, { "trait_type": "Card Centering", "value": "7.4" }, { "trait_type": "Card Corners", "value": "7.9" }, { "trait_type": "Card Edges", "value": "8.3" }, { "trait_type": "Card Surface", "value": "9.1" } ] }