{ "image": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/910/thumbnail", "description": "[Hi-Res Front](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/20) | [Hi-Res Back](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/21) | [Full Screen](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=910&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/910/thumbnail) \n\n\r Vorpal Trickster doesn’t suffer fools gladly but gladly makes fools suffer. Mistress of the katana, she can magically manifest a plethora of blades at the ready with a flick of her tongue. She likes to make up words as she goes along confusing her enemies and friends alike. She doesn't mince words but has been known to slice and dice people who say she is over-sensitive. An accomplished horseback rider, she prefers classical music and was a widow by age 19. Her partner's death remains a mystery.\n\nDid You Know: Vorpal Trickster has secretly had an extradimensional pen pal since grade school. She is particularly patient with the elderly. She wears expensive perfumes and despises bad breath.", "name": "Vorpal Trickster (#43/85)", "animation_url": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=910&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/910/thumbnail", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Todd Wahnish" }, { "trait_type": "Character", "value": "Vorpal Trickster" }, { "trait_type": "Collection", "value": "Adult Fantasy" }, { "trait_type": "Series", "value": "Season 1/Genesis" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Character Edition", "value": 43.0, "max_value": 85.0 }, { "trait_type": "Rarity", "value": "Super Rare 1" }, { "trait_type": "Power", "value": 45.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Defense", "value": 45.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Speed", "value": 45.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Intelligence", "value": 45.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Magic", "value": 12.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Card Total Grade", "value": "7.6" }, { "trait_type": "Card Centering", "value": "6.0" }, { "trait_type": "Card Corners", "value": "8.3" }, { "trait_type": "Card Edges", "value": "7.3" }, { "trait_type": "Card Surface", "value": "8.6" } ] }