{ "image": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/908/thumbnail", "description": "[Hi-Res Front](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/26) | [Hi-Res Back](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/27) | [Full Screen](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=908&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/908/thumbnail) \n\n\r Carl describes himself as a disgruntled former mob assassin. Before that, he claims he was a green beret who fought in “many” wars. He also brags that he’s been Sub-Dude's best friend since childhood. Carl's just as likely to put a gun in your face as playfully nuzzle the dogs in his neighborhood. He has a scriptural passage for every occasion, usually misquoted or made up. He compulsively offers bets on anything. Carl's an avid conspiracy theorist. He's more lucky than skilled with his pistol and may just weaponize his bowling ball.\n\nDid You Know: Carl can often be found hanging out at the Chrono Bowl. He is BeelzeBubbie’s son. Bad bowling etiquette really pisses him off. He bowls regularly above 220, or so he says.", "name": "Carl (#40/88)", "animation_url": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=908&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/908/thumbnail", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Todd Wahnish" }, { "trait_type": "Character", "value": "Carl" }, { "trait_type": "Collection", "value": "Adult Fantasy" }, { "trait_type": "Series", "value": "Season 1/Genesis" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Character Edition", "value": 40.0, "max_value": 88.0 }, { "trait_type": "Rarity", "value": "Super Rare 2" }, { "trait_type": "Power", "value": 42.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Defense", "value": 30.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Speed", "value": 26.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Intelligence", "value": 22.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Magic", "value": 60.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Card Total Grade", "value": "7.7" }, { "trait_type": "Card Centering", "value": "8.6" }, { "trait_type": "Card Corners", "value": "8.8" }, { "trait_type": "Card Edges", "value": "6.0" }, { "trait_type": "Card Surface", "value": "7.4" } ] }