{ "image": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/1411/thumbnail", "description": "[Hi-Res Front](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/8) | [Hi-Res Back](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/9) | [Full Screen](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=1411&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/1411/thumbnail) \n\n\r Cobalt Fox is the head of the Interdimensional Rescue Squad. Formerly of MI6 fame, Cobalt Fox is a master thief and “information retrieval specialist.” Unscrupulous to a fault, Fox is the Machiavelli of interdimensional diplomacy. On InterDiPol’s Most Wanted list in 9 dimensions, Fox is also on the payroll as a double agent in 8 dimensions. Fox has a proclivity for grand heists (e.g., the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben). Strategy is his game, often playing both sides to his advantage.\n\nDid You Know: Cobalt Fox smokes a secret blend in his pipe that puts him into a trance state. He is a master hypnotist, and his accomplices are usually unwitting.", "name": "Cobalt Fox (#46/79)", "animation_url": "https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=1&tokenID=1411&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/1/tokens/1411/thumbnail", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Todd Wahnish" }, { "trait_type": "Character", "value": "Cobalt Fox" }, { "trait_type": "Collection", "value": "Adult Fantasy" }, { "trait_type": "Series", "value": "Season 1/Genesis" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Character Edition", "value": 46.0, "max_value": 79.0 }, { "trait_type": "Rarity", "value": "Legendary 2" }, { "trait_type": "Power", "value": 33.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Defense", "value": 30.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Speed", "value": 80.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Intelligence", "value": 87.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Magic", "value": 27.0, "max_value": 100.0 }, { "trait_type": "Card Total Grade", "value": "6.5" }, { "trait_type": "Card Centering", "value": "6.4" }, { "trait_type": "Card Corners", "value": "6.1" }, { "trait_type": "Card Edges", "value": "6.7" }, { "trait_type": "Card Surface", "value": "6.9" } ] }